Sunday, June 27, 2010

Removing Chameleon Mac

Sunday, September 20 juin two thousand and ten

The niche is short. It is very short two hours. From 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ... it is written. Before that shit ... after that again. And at what price this "Happy Hour"? Half price for sure, but mostly that of a beautiful hangover. So, is that correct? The "Happy Hour" is when you're drunk? See you in crisis!
Rattlesnake wintering

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Are The Pokemon Roms In Cydia

Maid quick note: For all those who donated and who have written to have a bookmark, I put myself on DIY this week!

UPDATE July 26: Everyone has signed, except Jean-Louis XXX. We are trying to trap this week and then I post it all!

Friday, June 11, 2010

How Many Cc In An Insulin Syringe


Hey there! I find myself with no hair and very proud have raised some money for a good cause. To thank you for your generosity, here are some photos from the event - you have to laugh, it's part of the contract.

(For those who do not know, you'll find that Elder Daughter had decided to take the challenge too. From its almost 11 years, she faces the razor with a little apprehensive, but ended the experiment with the smile ... I was very proud of her!)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How Will I Know If My Dental Implant Is Failing

Thanks (thousand)! A nice surprise

Dear friends, Here

time for me to cut the coconut is fast approaching. In a little over 48 hours, I will stop temporarily to have bad hair days - in fact, have short hair days. And then you see that? Overall, there has nearly five thousand dollars in the kitty ! Fantastic! Yeah, yeah, the objective was ten thousand, but put it down to my inexperience me set reasonable goals (my life coach, if I had one, would be enraged, but it's good, I have not). In short, almost five thousand dollars and perhaps five miles by Thursday, eh, it's a tidy sum that I am very proud to deliver to Leucan. And I wanted

take this moment to tell you from my heart, THANK . Amazing how we are approached all the time, for reasons all too full of good and touching each other, and despite this, many friends and strangers responded to my call and made a donation to Leucan . You're really, really extraordinary, and know that I appreciate your generosity to its fair value. On my behalf and on behalf of all those who work hard with families affected by cancer, I send you many thanks. And I will publish photos of the before / after as soon as possible, it is nice recognition, but you also have the right to laugh.

(If you read this, you have not donated to Leucan and you say "Triple damn! I too want to be the eternal gratitude of Mother unworthy!", It is still time going for a ride here . And all of you too, thank you!)

Oh, and one last thing:

French, French.

I have understood you. You also want to participate in this great outpouring of collective generosity (especially to see my head shaved by congratulating you be there for something). How? The simplest would be to go through Paypal . It's easy, you go to the site to deposit money into my account (caroline.allard @, and I will pass your sub to Leucan on your behalf. Other than that, everything else is expensive / complicated, and saw the strange complexity of international transactions (it's weird, anyway, right? In this era of globalization?), I understand that you can not and I'll still take a ride with you next year.

UPDATE: Comment from a reader / from a reader who says that "It's super easy for the French and other Europeans. If we can not select a country from the dropdown menu, there is a box that says next to "Other countries" ... it is to write "France" (or whatever) and presto! "Try it!

UPDATE 2: Paypal, it Works! Thanks to all friends from overseas for your donations! You can see posted on my profile Leucan . :-)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Have A Lump Full Of Pus On My Gum

Thursday, 3 June two thousand and ten thirty

Life, beautiful ... A bathtub filled with warm water, a Playmobil pirate ship, a super giant Scrooge and the life ahead. Today I received an email with a link of Sisyphus:
Complicating the crisis? You talk, a child of 4 years to understand.
So I'll see and read. Informative course ... But then, the pirates attacked the boat, Donald is in love with Daisy, I hear the slow plic plic regular dripping tap as a melody ... It is too early, too early to abandon the pirates or playing Scrooge and try to understand this crisis. He has nine years she was four years old. They are old enough to understand. But I do not want them to understand it ... not right away. One day maybe one day ... or ever. They must first understand how the solar system, how a bike is in balance, how to ride without holding the handlebars, how free the princess who is attached to the mast of the boat ... How nice to be a pirate but have look mean ... they must first understand the basics. The crisis, we'll see later ... and I hope never. Tomorrow in crisis!
Rattlesnake wintering