Bookmarks: Bookmarks Concluded
Dear friends,
Here! Your bookmarks are in envelopes, ready to be mailed Monday. Unworthy father, Elder Daughter, Sister unworthy redneck adored, Jean-Louis XXX and I have them all autographed. As for Baby ... ben ... it has signed a ten (sometimes under a pseudonym - see photo) but found the task of a platitude so abysmal that she refused to go further, even under threat (especially since I did 't have threatened) and even with promises of candy. I decided to distribute the bookmarks Random envelopes. If you have a bookmark with "BABY" written on it, go buy a ticket lotto, you are blessed. Thank you again for your donations!
Mother unworthy
Scoop PS: my hair grows slowly, and I even got up yesterday morning disheveled, for the first time since mid-June.
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