Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thick White Discharge?

imaginary Papal Bull not

Papal Bull not

--- There are two categories of men, gays
and those who say that 'they are not gay.


I wander soap in the bathroom I
nightlife of champagne on New Year
And on my balcony, I tightrope oxygen

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sony Dvp Sr200p Multiregion

moral lesson


- there's dishonor to be a coward?

Because I'm more of a coward, barring accidents (but not "face" to the accident).
Well, I do not want to magnify the loose, or overwhelm them, I get information that's all.
Attention admit my cowardice is not a heroic act, not in my backyard!
is why I will not say how I am a coward, it's already embarrassing enough.
On reflection, I do not know a statue of a coward, coward, famous and loved.
The difficulty is that the streets, cafes, homes, factories are full of courage.
In fact, most people feel brave, and think the other (me) loose.
And they're right!
In sum, this is exactly the opposite of what I think, really.

- Indolence is my passion?

But, on reflection, I am perhaps more selfish coward, or both. These are virtues
(?) That I did not have to grow, as it has blue eyes or brown, I'm a selfish
violent, brutal, uncompromising, and completely loose. Each is what it is, I do not want to
advocate for them, or these, the sloth is my passion, I have nothing against
same courageous and generous hearts, except perhaps their din, ostentation
is always suspect (I'm ostensibly without ostentation).

there dishonor to be cowardly and selfish? In any case, there is nothing to brag about.
But what exactly is this award important? The honor goes sometimes this stuff in
where one wonders what he has been taken. The honor, like freedom, justice
(like love?), Is one of those words that everyone thinks
to understand without explanation. This is a personal concept is applied to the universe
without worrying too much about the result (as I understand it perfectly, it's so exhausting if not).
is a fair word, it proclaims, and we put what we want in, or before, and we say "crime of honor
" as if it were possible, compatible. The only honor that I know is that
to go to someone who believed the loss. It does not lose his honor, his dignity
, you are a victim of looks twisted, distorted thoughts, people who want
twisted you twist too.

Nobody is totally
this or that, sometimes I go over my cowardice, it must be
courage, overcome his jitters for a moment (no courage without jitter), then I get up and brush my
teeth, sometimes even I manage to take the subway to buy food,
a pair of shoes, and large evening I went into a café, and then I get drunk so
courage and freedom, beer and cognac, conversation and silence, light and
blindness (I know the morning will find me in wreck on a landing on a couch in a
bed, but there are accustomed to, it saw the other morning, he will hear me swear that I will not again,
the bathroom will not see me on TV and humming all day).

Thank You Letters For Hair Stylist


--- I am a child of Pacotille
is my region, my I
countries, brain ragged
is my custom, my coat

--- F (r) iction

- Got a cigarette?
- I do not smoke!
- I did not ask to tell me your life.
I just asked, "Have a cigarette? .
- No!
- This is not complicated!
- So goodbye and good day!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good day!


Pharmacist - How are you? The client

- Sorry, I'm fine!

Pharmacist - What can I do for you then? The client

- sell me a toothbrush.


I will still make me bawl

- Wow ! it's great, I love you!
- You could ask me my opinion and I do not want you to love me.
- You know cool people!
- You know that your desire not to look.

Why would I be happy that you love me?
You need to not create in me a need to receive.

- It's awful!
- What?
- Indifference.
- Yes.
... ...

- I love you, and I did not ask for your opinion!
- I see and hear.
... ...

- I love you?
- Can I stop you ?
- You seem to try.
... ...

- You do not want to share?
- Yes.

(ps: it must be pointed out is a joke -
happens to be funny, and that's not a joke) ---

see Dis! What do you see in your lap?
What do you see in your lap? Say see!


council facebook:

"We must be careful about what compost"

--- I am strong, and green forever
Fort and green forever

Best Way To Store Laser Hull

It is not so much running around on sidewalks

It is not so much running around on sidewalks

I agree, it's not the game, it snows again, "clearers" are blisters on hands
. Yesterday or the day before yesterday, I saw them already sweating on the handle of their shovels, and
clumsy in their efforts, I saw them curse the ice, snow, cobblestones, winter and
city. And I wanted to tell them, do not give you much trouble, so much evil in mid-June there
discontinued. Forget the snow, stay home, take care of your children
(if there is not no make it), your wife, your family, tell you stories,
put yourself by the fire, read a book, listen to music and relax, sleep early, wake up late
and take long naps and stay calm in a few days all this
snow is gone. It is not so much running around on the sidewalks.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Letter For Welcome Bag Thank You Special Day

The jugglers

The jugglers

They give slaps clock
They soufflettent watches
They beat time,
at bat at bat, they beat the Time
The acrobats, jugglers

The jugglers about love
And the rest, and the rest
If there are any remaining

--- The love we lost
Love finds us we
Love Kit And we

Love it
We lost
We found
We give
We abandoned
(we forgive)
We walk leads
We loose
We spot
Nour takes
We surprises
We make
We actually make
Soul and the rest
Soul and the rest
If there is

Apparently, it seems I

I do not know I am a juggler juggles time I


Photo: The moon

(somewhere in the sky)

Am I Supposed To Wear Underwear Under My Singlet

Mickey or something


A desperate lover in the crowd
A love is lost in the crowd

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Respirometers Serves Negative Control

Hi, hi! (Peace)

Hi, hi! (Peace)

Peace, peace
Peace, peace
is a grandpa who tells you
Peace, peace
Peace, peace must

But the world peace, but I
problems And
retention voltage and voltage
Tension worldwide
But where will my grave
Peace, peace
My brothers and sisters
Peace, please, on this world peace
filthy mud

Standing there Standing in-
outdoors in there and stood outside

Roll up your sleeves And make me a beautiful landscape
Do me a heart to work
And stop this cold, this snow
Clear sky's clouds is
simple, a clear horizon
Here's what you
A wide horizons and clear
Who makes you want to walk
to go see, go live
Not a carrot to a donkey, not
Or well done That
not see the pole
Let not see the stick
An illusion An illusion of peace

truer that true peace
In true or false it is
cares, who cares
Peace, peace
In a violin
On an air harmonica
Peace, peace, peace
On Monica and the world
Leave us in peace Let
leave us alone Leave us peace

The spice, the salt of the world
The reason to think
season seasoned
wave to bitter
A bitter man
The soul rolling
Mine sinister
In popular bowls
There are bold eyes
It's been a heavy look

The words speak more than they can and they
are tired, poor words
They are tired, but ... who cares
was nothing
To try to vomit

Without moderation
Hi, hi! Come in peace

Come in Come in
fawn fawn
the homeland of the country and abroad
And besides, moreover

Sewers EGlor EGlor
I am one of you
Go in peace I am with