Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Respirometers Serves Negative Control

Hi, hi! (Peace)

Hi, hi! (Peace)

Peace, peace
Peace, peace
is a grandpa who tells you
Peace, peace
Peace, peace must

But the world peace, but I
problems And
retention voltage and voltage
Tension worldwide
But where will my grave
Peace, peace
My brothers and sisters
Peace, please, on this world peace
filthy mud

Standing there Standing in-
outdoors in there and stood outside

Roll up your sleeves And make me a beautiful landscape
Do me a heart to work
And stop this cold, this snow
Clear sky's clouds is
simple, a clear horizon
Here's what you
A wide horizons and clear
Who makes you want to walk
to go see, go live
Not a carrot to a donkey, not
Or well done That
not see the pole
Let not see the stick
An illusion An illusion of peace

truer that true peace
In true or false it is
cares, who cares
Peace, peace
In a violin
On an air harmonica
Peace, peace, peace
On Monica and the world
Leave us in peace Let
leave us alone Leave us peace

The spice, the salt of the world
The reason to think
season seasoned
wave to bitter
A bitter man
The soul rolling
Mine sinister
In popular bowls
There are bold eyes
It's been a heavy look

The words speak more than they can and they
are tired, poor words
They are tired, but ... who cares
was nothing
To try to vomit

Without moderation
Hi, hi! Come in peace

Come in Come in
fawn fawn
the homeland of the country and abroad
And besides, moreover

Sewers EGlor EGlor
I am one of you
Go in peace I am with


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