Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thank You Letters For Hair Stylist


--- I am a child of Pacotille
is my region, my I
countries, brain ragged
is my custom, my coat

--- F (r) iction

- Got a cigarette?
- I do not smoke!
- I did not ask to tell me your life.
I just asked, "Have a cigarette? .
- No!
- This is not complicated!
- So goodbye and good day!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good day!


Pharmacist - How are you? The client

- Sorry, I'm fine!

Pharmacist - What can I do for you then? The client

- sell me a toothbrush.


I will still make me bawl

- Wow ! it's great, I love you!
- You could ask me my opinion and I do not want you to love me.
- You know cool people!
- You know that your desire not to look.

Why would I be happy that you love me?
You need to not create in me a need to receive.

- It's awful!
- What?
- Indifference.
- Yes.
... ...

- I love you, and I did not ask for your opinion!
- I see and hear.
... ...

- I love you?
- Can I stop you ?
- You seem to try.
... ...

- You do not want to share?
- Yes.

(ps: it must be pointed out is a joke -
happens to be funny, and that's not a joke) ---

see Dis! What do you see in your lap?
What do you see in your lap? Say see!


council facebook:

"We must be careful about what compost"

--- I am strong, and green forever
Fort and green forever


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