Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thick White Discharge?

imaginary Papal Bull not

Papal Bull not

--- There are two categories of men, gays
and those who say that 'they are not gay.


I wander soap in the bathroom I
nightlife of champagne on New Year
And on my balcony, I tightrope oxygen

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sony Dvp Sr200p Multiregion

moral lesson


- there's dishonor to be a coward?

Because I'm more of a coward, barring accidents (but not "face" to the accident).
Well, I do not want to magnify the loose, or overwhelm them, I get information that's all.
Attention admit my cowardice is not a heroic act, not in my backyard!
is why I will not say how I am a coward, it's already embarrassing enough.
On reflection, I do not know a statue of a coward, coward, famous and loved.
The difficulty is that the streets, cafes, homes, factories are full of courage.
In fact, most people feel brave, and think the other (me) loose.
And they're right!
In sum, this is exactly the opposite of what I think, really.

- Indolence is my passion?

But, on reflection, I am perhaps more selfish coward, or both. These are virtues
(?) That I did not have to grow, as it has blue eyes or brown, I'm a selfish
violent, brutal, uncompromising, and completely loose. Each is what it is, I do not want to
advocate for them, or these, the sloth is my passion, I have nothing against
same courageous and generous hearts, except perhaps their din, ostentation
is always suspect (I'm ostensibly without ostentation).

there dishonor to be cowardly and selfish? In any case, there is nothing to brag about.
But what exactly is this award important? The honor goes sometimes this stuff in
where one wonders what he has been taken. The honor, like freedom, justice
(like love?), Is one of those words that everyone thinks
to understand without explanation. This is a personal concept is applied to the universe
without worrying too much about the result (as I understand it perfectly, it's so exhausting if not).
is a fair word, it proclaims, and we put what we want in, or before, and we say "crime of honor
" as if it were possible, compatible. The only honor that I know is that
to go to someone who believed the loss. It does not lose his honor, his dignity
, you are a victim of looks twisted, distorted thoughts, people who want
twisted you twist too.

Nobody is totally
this or that, sometimes I go over my cowardice, it must be
courage, overcome his jitters for a moment (no courage without jitter), then I get up and brush my
teeth, sometimes even I manage to take the subway to buy food,
a pair of shoes, and large evening I went into a café, and then I get drunk so
courage and freedom, beer and cognac, conversation and silence, light and
blindness (I know the morning will find me in wreck on a landing on a couch in a
bed, but there are accustomed to, it saw the other morning, he will hear me swear that I will not again,
the bathroom will not see me on TV and humming all day).

Thank You Letters For Hair Stylist


--- I am a child of Pacotille
is my region, my I
countries, brain ragged
is my custom, my coat

--- F (r) iction

- Got a cigarette?
- I do not smoke!
- I did not ask to tell me your life.
I just asked, "Have a cigarette? .
- No!
- This is not complicated!
- So goodbye and good day!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good day!


Pharmacist - How are you? The client

- Sorry, I'm fine!

Pharmacist - What can I do for you then? The client

- sell me a toothbrush.


I will still make me bawl

- Wow ! it's great, I love you!
- You could ask me my opinion and I do not want you to love me.
- You know cool people!
- You know that your desire not to look.

Why would I be happy that you love me?
You need to not create in me a need to receive.

- It's awful!
- What?
- Indifference.
- Yes.
... ...

- I love you, and I did not ask for your opinion!
- I see and hear.
... ...

- I love you?
- Can I stop you ?
- You seem to try.
... ...

- You do not want to share?
- Yes.

(ps: it must be pointed out is a joke -
happens to be funny, and that's not a joke) ---

see Dis! What do you see in your lap?
What do you see in your lap? Say see!


council facebook:

"We must be careful about what compost"

--- I am strong, and green forever
Fort and green forever

Best Way To Store Laser Hull

It is not so much running around on sidewalks

It is not so much running around on sidewalks

I agree, it's not the game, it snows again, "clearers" are blisters on hands
. Yesterday or the day before yesterday, I saw them already sweating on the handle of their shovels, and
clumsy in their efforts, I saw them curse the ice, snow, cobblestones, winter and
city. And I wanted to tell them, do not give you much trouble, so much evil in mid-June there
discontinued. Forget the snow, stay home, take care of your children
(if there is not no make it), your wife, your family, tell you stories,
put yourself by the fire, read a book, listen to music and relax, sleep early, wake up late
and take long naps and stay calm in a few days all this
snow is gone. It is not so much running around on the sidewalks.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Letter For Welcome Bag Thank You Special Day

The jugglers

The jugglers

They give slaps clock
They soufflettent watches
They beat time,
at bat at bat, they beat the Time
The acrobats, jugglers

The jugglers about love
And the rest, and the rest
If there are any remaining

--- The love we lost
Love finds us we
Love Kit And we

Love it
We lost
We found
We give
We abandoned
(we forgive)
We walk leads
We loose
We spot
Nour takes
We surprises
We make
We actually make
Soul and the rest
Soul and the rest
If there is

Apparently, it seems I

I do not know I am a juggler juggles time I


Photo: The moon

(somewhere in the sky)

Am I Supposed To Wear Underwear Under My Singlet

Mickey or something


A desperate lover in the crowd
A love is lost in the crowd

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Respirometers Serves Negative Control

Hi, hi! (Peace)

Hi, hi! (Peace)

Peace, peace
Peace, peace
is a grandpa who tells you
Peace, peace
Peace, peace must

But the world peace, but I
problems And
retention voltage and voltage
Tension worldwide
But where will my grave
Peace, peace
My brothers and sisters
Peace, please, on this world peace
filthy mud

Standing there Standing in-
outdoors in there and stood outside

Roll up your sleeves And make me a beautiful landscape
Do me a heart to work
And stop this cold, this snow
Clear sky's clouds is
simple, a clear horizon
Here's what you
A wide horizons and clear
Who makes you want to walk
to go see, go live
Not a carrot to a donkey, not
Or well done That
not see the pole
Let not see the stick
An illusion An illusion of peace

truer that true peace
In true or false it is
cares, who cares
Peace, peace
In a violin
On an air harmonica
Peace, peace, peace
On Monica and the world
Leave us in peace Let
leave us alone Leave us peace

The spice, the salt of the world
The reason to think
season seasoned
wave to bitter
A bitter man
The soul rolling
Mine sinister
In popular bowls
There are bold eyes
It's been a heavy look

The words speak more than they can and they
are tired, poor words
They are tired, but ... who cares
was nothing
To try to vomit

Without moderation
Hi, hi! Come in peace

Come in Come in
fawn fawn
the homeland of the country and abroad
And besides, moreover

Sewers EGlor EGlor
I am one of you
Go in peace I am with

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Should I Buy Birthday Cake For Step Daughter



Wait Wait

Always there, waiting
In the sweet, tender

It comes, I see
Hey! but the tender is it?
... And Loving tenderness

The tender
Tender Loving arms
The wait

I wish I would
My sweet, my tender
I wish my tender
Beside you dwell

I say sweet I cry in

But ... Who can hear me?

(Time does not exist
My skin folds for My heart is nothing immutable

At first glance identical
nothing is not nothing but wait
My heart is not to wrinkle
Time does not exist)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Feeling Wet Down There

Friday, November 19, 2010

Best Thermos Insulators

here I know clowns

I know

That is what will happen one day, I walk on the sidewalk of a city,
a big city, regardless shine or not, morning or evening,
not go my usual, I may be shopping in a bag, a box
peas, bread, I will look more or less bystanders ,
the busy, just my thoughts, just watch where I walk, and
extraordinarily beautiful woman come to me, she came out,
smiling, I know that beautiful woman one day stop me on the sidewalk,
is normal, it will be here, happy to see me, she will speak to me, I look at it too,
as happy to see her, and I will listen carefully, damn she is beautiful, beautiful
, and to me, his attention will be mine, I'm someone she found, she would have
recognized in the street on the sidewalk, I will be a Obviously, his voice, and her perfume
will also evidences wonderful, and nothing surprises me, everything will
in clarity, then, when calm and confidence I take his hand, so then
Death take me with her, and I will never fear again.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nauseous After Flu Shot

Looks like the logo of the Rolling Stones that we would grow old.
is at the entrance of a small neighborhood park, a park while discreet.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Aladdin Blue Flame Heater Reviews

Still no



- I am subject to the tides.
- At quarter-turn?
- Idiot!

Sometimes the waves carry me, ride me, put me upside the head, I tilt to one side
another upset me, I do not know where I am, where north is, where is light,
where is the exit, I must fight against the urge to fight, because that's it, that's it, do not fight, but
learn to breathe, there is nothing to be afraid should not be afraid, fear increases
waves, making them more noisy, do not fight, I may just die, do not be afraid, do not fight
, breathe calmly as possible, do not try to understand, there
perhaps there is surely nothing to understand, let bullied by the ocean waves
take me or, they take me, I know one day, one night, the calm will come, and I'll
deposited on the beach, like a shipwrecked survivor alone.

I do not know when will the next kidnapping, I go out at once exhausted and regenerated
these baths tortured, murdered and war. But my balance is still fragile, the vertigo is
never far away, I pitched on earth like a sailor long gone, as if I felt the world
move under my feet, the earth turning, as if I really felt.
air currents bend me, I wave, I am a serious man not serious, I titubube from bed to bathroom
bathroom, the bathroom to bed, I stagger ... uncertain, I tremble, awkward I will, entangled
of myself, I walked on, I bite my cheeks, I bump against the furniture ...

Violin: early
(That may be why I like walking, there is something miraculous
extraordinary, I am in the open air I breathe, I'm up and I walk,
is wonderful ... and for some not, I have the illusion of being part of the world, I think
few steps, I am the world, I have a place, it is there, in my walk)
end violin

Still no, I'm still not swim, I drown,
it saves me pulling my hair, but Here, I'm going bald ...


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Inviting An Ex To A Wedding



I devote myself to you
But you do not want us
You and I are not we
You do not play the I
Me I want you
What we do we
What we do we
I want us build
But you do not want us
You dodge, you undo

Here I am On your knees

For that you I
Gives us

I wish you were one of us
And I, I I want to be one of us

Without you Without

I'm just a little I


Photography : Self-Portrait



for one of the moon,
in unison, hoist the moon or the moon
, Alun
for one of the moon

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Amman Gay Sauna,hamam

Interlude (the stairs)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can The Brain Recover From Marijuana Use

Tribute: It

- -

Photo: Rue Belliard



Alexander Vialatte

The Lady of Job (paperback library LP7)

"then we would us ..."
Children Games

I - School of vertigo
Page 32

- C ' True, you get it?
- What? asked Robert.
- Measles.
- Yes, says Robert.
was great. It was necessary to oppose something
important not to stay too still.
- How are you doing? asked Frederick.
me I had chickenpox. You have not had the chicken pox?
- No, "said Robert.
He was sympathetic, he did not abuse not too much of its superiority.

Alexander Vialatte


So we would us ... So you might

you ... Looks like we
horses and vast green plains
That wind is gentle and mild And
sun friendly in a big blue sky
Then we would be, for real

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Can Strep Cause Toothache?

it goes fine with me

The sun passes through the green glass of a bottle of wine,

and projects onto the kitchen wall a shadow ...

(empty bottle, "Los Molinos"
2009 Tempanillo Valdepenas)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Women Vergina Information

I do not write with your knees I do

thousand apologies, I write anymore because I hurt myself has a knee.
I certainly do not write with the knees ... it's complicated.
My knee is better, thank you (but no less complicated).

Nothing serious.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Templates For Scrap Invitation

not drink


- You let the beard grow?
- No, I overlooked!

The old is a young disguise, and I add these days the beard, I'm getting older.
Changing Faces, change your life, cover the mask of facial hair.
"I do not drink" to say that he must drink, of course, and I do not drink. Otherwise, drink
is a need (usually) monthly, it's a purge, a break at the right.
It's a metamorphosis that I have the secret, I turn into a pillar of the counter. Memory is
disconnected, the video fails, the morning finds me with no memory,
(or little) sometimes just a bruise on knee (I hit a low cabinet
going to bed), a smell of stale tobacco, cartons of beers with graffiti ...
and empty pockets of money.

Then, of course, I curse, never again, shame, nausea, ... Then, then. Then
then the birds, then I go back, then I become a pillar of the bistro.
It made me understand recently, I thought a little, but ... I was chagrined
This idea, which aims to become a pillar of the counter, bistro?
At the same time it's so true, I drink a glass and I always say the same, painful.
One thing comforts me is that I am a pillar of ordinary counter,
a current model, the universal type, so I'm a big old family.

is so long that it seems that this character who wins, it exceeds the
walker, we only see him, and it is still true, attention,
attention, he asks only point his nose, and to blacken the black.
I put a beard so that we do not recognize me to disguise myself as someone who
has not disappointed I like that wins two or three seconds.

Where all's well that ends well:
It's ugly, it is stupid, she walks
wrong, but I love, my life.
And, except me, does anyone
pillar bistro.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Infertility Men Having Chicken Pox After 20

What is happiness? I like John

What is happiness?

Happiness Happiness
, it used to be happy,
I understand (but that's not sure)

And what (will) be happy? A dream

Friday, October 22, 2010

Can You Faint With Your Eyes Open

I like John, in fact I am named John
Finally, a form of John, a John
elsewhere ... And then John goes with all, with Pierre, with Louis
... I like John, and I am one, I'm John.


Photo: Street

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Dose An Abortion Paper Look Like

Brussels ordinary

Brussels ordinary everyday Brussels, Brussels Such
you see it going to work, the supermarket, not unusual Brussels, Brussels no secret
Brussels with the eye of everyman, Brussels postcard, images
without fanfare ... this is what I would do . Just a little something I still struggle to
practicing photography in the rain, aquatic photography, photography
wet, wet. With the sun that's fine, but with the rain I'm buying things
waterproof (waterproof), a camera, socks, a bob, a look ... Then there is also
night, take photographs of Brussels at night c ' is very difficult, we must raise his glass of beer somewhere
is worrying, feeling, we wonder how we will find him.



Dealer waffles

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cost Of Cementing A Basketball Court

Bookmarks: Bookmarks Concluded

Dear friends,

Here! Your bookmarks are in envelopes, ready to be mailed Monday. Unworthy father, Elder Daughter, Sister unworthy redneck adored, Jean-Louis XXX and I have them all autographed. As for Baby ... ben ... it has signed a ten (sometimes under a pseudonym - see photo) but found the task of a platitude so abysmal that she refused to go further, even under threat (especially since I did 't have threatened) and even with promises of candy. I decided to distribute the bookmarks Random envelopes. If you have a bookmark with "BABY" written on it, go buy a ticket lotto, you are blessed. Thank you again for your donations!

Mother unworthy

Scoop PS: my hair grows slowly, and I even got up yesterday morning disheveled, for the first time since mid-June.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pro Solan Medicamento

Saturday, 3 July two thousand and ten

Everybody lies ... I lie, you lie, he lies, we lie, you lie, they lie. It is a fact, the verb agrees to all persons singular and plural. So, everybody lies. The four words are aligned on a light panel in the middle of the Gare de Lyon. It is half past seven in the morning, the platforms are crowded, the atmosphere moist, the storm has not yet erupted. Travellers ignore the message. They do not care, it is the holidays ... holidays. While everyone may well lie, me, you, him, politicians, our children, teachers, my neighbors, our parents, etc.. This is not serious. I rest a while before this poster before making a photograph, to contemplate the lack of punctuation. There is no point (lying is endless) or comma (no action, no catch) or exclamation point (we're bored), or question mark (it's a certainty) In ... 10 minutes ago from a train to Menton. See you in crisis!
Rattlesnake wintering

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Removing Chameleon Mac

Sunday, September 20 juin two thousand and ten

The niche is short. It is very short two hours. From 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ... it is written. Before that shit ... after that again. And at what price this "Happy Hour"? Half price for sure, but mostly that of a beautiful hangover. So, is that correct? The "Happy Hour" is when you're drunk? See you in crisis!
Rattlesnake wintering

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Are The Pokemon Roms In Cydia

Maid quick note: For all those who donated and who have written to have a bookmark, I put myself on DIY this week!

UPDATE July 26: Everyone has signed, except Jean-Louis XXX. We are trying to trap this week and then I post it all!

Friday, June 11, 2010

How Many Cc In An Insulin Syringe


Hey there! I find myself with no hair and very proud have raised some money for a good cause. To thank you for your generosity, here are some photos from the event - you have to laugh, it's part of the contract.

(For those who do not know, you'll find that Elder Daughter had decided to take the challenge too. From its almost 11 years, she faces the razor with a little apprehensive, but ended the experiment with the smile ... I was very proud of her!)