Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Aladdin Blue Flame Heater Reviews

Still no



- I am subject to the tides.
- At quarter-turn?
- Idiot!

Sometimes the waves carry me, ride me, put me upside the head, I tilt to one side
another upset me, I do not know where I am, where north is, where is light,
where is the exit, I must fight against the urge to fight, because that's it, that's it, do not fight, but
learn to breathe, there is nothing to be afraid should not be afraid, fear increases
waves, making them more noisy, do not fight, I may just die, do not be afraid, do not fight
, breathe calmly as possible, do not try to understand, there
perhaps there is surely nothing to understand, let bullied by the ocean waves
take me or, they take me, I know one day, one night, the calm will come, and I'll
deposited on the beach, like a shipwrecked survivor alone.

I do not know when will the next kidnapping, I go out at once exhausted and regenerated
these baths tortured, murdered and war. But my balance is still fragile, the vertigo is
never far away, I pitched on earth like a sailor long gone, as if I felt the world
move under my feet, the earth turning, as if I really felt.
air currents bend me, I wave, I am a serious man not serious, I titubube from bed to bathroom
bathroom, the bathroom to bed, I stagger ... uncertain, I tremble, awkward I will, entangled
of myself, I walked on, I bite my cheeks, I bump against the furniture ...

Violin: early
(That may be why I like walking, there is something miraculous
extraordinary, I am in the open air I breathe, I'm up and I walk,
is wonderful ... and for some not, I have the illusion of being part of the world, I think
few steps, I am the world, I have a place, it is there, in my walk)
end violin

Still no, I'm still not swim, I drown,
it saves me pulling my hair, but Here, I'm going bald ...



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